How many times a week is the best frequency to have sex?


There has always been a big difference between people regarding the frequency of sexual life. For some people, once a day is too little, while for some people once a month is too much.

So, how often is the most appropriate time to have sex? How many times a week is normal? This is a question we are often asked.

In fact, different ages have different opinions on this issue. In this regard, we have summarized a set of data, hoping to be helpful to you.

1.Best frequency for each age group

Age is an important factor that affects the frequency of sexual life. For people of different age groups, there are considerable differences in the frequency of sexual life.

■ Weekly during youth ages 20-30: 3-5 times/week

The physical fitness of men and women around the age of 20 to 30 is at its peak. As long as the partner is energetic, the frequency of sex will not be low.

Generally speaking, 3 times a week is more appropriate. If you have better physical strength, you can also prefer 5 times, but don’t overindulge yourself.

If your energy is no longer enough to cope with normal life after you have dealt with sex, you fall asleep while driving, you are not energetic at work, your brain feels sleepy, and you feel unsteady when you walk, this is a reminder that you need to take a rest!

■ 31-40 years old and early middle age: 2 times/week

After entering their 30s, as their lovemaking experience matures, men begin to have more control over their sexual life and become more comfortable with it. Women's attitude towards sexual life also becomes calm, and they have more and more opportunities to obtain pleasure.

In this age group, it can be said that it is the most harmonious years for men and women. People do not pursue frequency. If you feel more comfortable, then be more diligent. If you are tired and have little demand, do less.

Compared with meaningless high-frequency sex, everyone pays more attention to the quality of each time, so the frequency has naturally dropped compared to when they were young.

In addition, this age group also encounters huge pressures such as work and raising the next generation, which may also have an impact.

Therefore, it is recommended that couples communicate more on daily basis. In addition to increasing intimacy and responsibility, they should also cultivate the spirit of sharing weal and woe.

■ Middle-aged people aged 41-50 years old: 1-2 times/week

The age of 40 is a watershed for physical health. For most middle-aged men and women over 40, their physical condition also declines sharply.

At this time, your physical strength and energy are not as strong as when you were young, so don't deliberately pursue the frequency of sex, otherwise it will cause serious trouble to your body. It is recommended to have sex 1 to 2 times a week.

At this time, if men have some decline in physical functions, and if women have vaginal dryness caused by menopause, they can use external forces, such as lubricants, to solve the problem.

■ Late middle-aged people aged 51-60 years old: 1 time/week

After entering the age of 50, the bodies of both men and women officially enter the aging stage, and the desire for sex gradually becomes dull.

But even if there are physical reasons and less demand, there is no need to stop sexual life. Proper sexual life can not only stimulate the secretion of sex hormones, delay aging to a certain extent, but also increase the secretion of endorphins and improve disease resistance.

However, when you reach this age, you don’t have to pursue the time, intensity, and rhythm of your sexual life too much. Just let everything take its course.

■ Seniors over 60 years old - 1-2 times/month

At the age of 60 or above, the physical fitness of both men and women has deteriorated, and they are not suitable for excessively strenuous exercise.

Considering the influence of age, for the elderly, 1-2 times a month is enough to avoid excessive physical fatigue and discomfort symptoms.

Most of the above data are obtained through questionnaire surveys and are supported by certain actual data, but they are only a reference suggestion. If you can't achieve it, don't force it, just do what you can.

2.Quality is more important than frequency?

The data can only provide a vague guide because there are so many factors that affect frequency for each couple.

For example, when you are in negative emotions or under life pressure, feeling irritable, depressed or anxious, it may affect your own desires, thereby affecting frequency and satisfaction;

Another example is that the relationship between two people has entered a very stable state, the number of times is relatively small, and the overall satisfaction is still high. After all, the desires when you are in love and when you are an old married couple are definitely completely different and cannot be compared together.

And even if you think you can do it, don’t forget that you still have to consider whether your partner can do it.

Therefore, it doesn’t make much sense to worry about the frequency of sexual life. It doesn’t matter if it’s once a day, once a week, or once a month. As long as both of you feel it’s just right, it’s ok.

It is generally believed that if both parties are satisfied afterwards and feel relaxed and happy, and it does not affect normal work the next day, it means that your frequency is appropriate.

And if both parties feel lack of energy, fatigue and fatigue afterwards, it means that the body can't bear it, and it is sending you a warning signal. At this time, the frequency should be appropriately reduced.

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Post time: Jan-31-2024

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